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What Do We Do Exactly?


I believe in the approach of healing through all parts of your life from deep embedded psychology, to the physical body, the mental, and your environment. There is not a "one size fits all" plan.
Based on your life / health goals, we will custom design your wellness plan after evaluating your scientific labs, history, and concerns. From autoimmune concerns, wanting to lose weight, concerns about your hormonal health, digestive health or anything in between, we will evaluate you in a holistic way. It's time take back control of your life!

You're never to young to try, you're never to old to learn. No matter your age, or where you are in life, there is always space to more forward.


We work in 5 phases to Heal from the Cellular Level.

This means transforming physical health through addressing the body's cellular memory.


  1. Physical

  2. Mental

  3. Emotional

  4. Spiritual

  5. Your personal story




The first root cause is the body. I start with the body because the body holds the record of your past hurts, traumas, cognitive distortions and lifestyle choices. It also contains the impact of your exposure to toxins, your ability to detox those toxicants, and the impact your life experiences to date have had on your genetic expression. Your body is the repository of all you have experienced and has a lot to tell you in terms of how well it's doing....




I do a comprehensive workup with laboratory testing, instead of guessing. We look at your pain level, menstrual cycles, skin, tongue, eyes, energy, libido, weight, body odor, bowel movements, fingernails, urine...these are all ways your body is communicating to you.


Diabetes, high blood pressure, autoimmune disease are full blow active signals, I will teach you to tune in to your body so it's not having to turn up the volume to get your attention.

Plants on the Window
Girl in Sports Apparel


The second root cause is the mind. Our perceptions of stress are what activate your response system and style. What happens in the body has a direct correlation with what is going on in the mind. A rigid mind makes creates a ridged body.


Toxins are not just the environmental kind (chemicals, pesticides pollutants...), they are also the mental kind. Toxic thoughts create toxic beliefs and self-sabotaging behaviors and habits.


These beliefs were created in childhood as a way of making meaning from life experiences. I will teach you to learn from that and evolve.






Why does the heart hold onto unresolved hurt? Emotional pain is part of life after's the ultimate human experience.  We learn how holding onto that hurt will influence your future relationships, quality of life and your willingness to forgive and set healthy boundaries, depends upon the context of the hurt, your developmental stage, and the story you tell afterwards.


Every child is victimized during their development. It is a part of the human experience. You will learn the difference in how your brain develops, the state of your health, and how ready you are to heal.



Healing from unresolved trauma, even embarrassment, is essential if you are going to reverse your symptoms of autoimmunity, and better yet, prevent it.

Meditation by the sea



The fourth root cause of dis-ease is spirituality and energy. The spiritual or religious traditions you were raised in will impact your adult health.


We look into your beliefs you were raised with, your current beliefs and if there is conflict, you will be in war in your body. We look at analyzing and aligning your "body energy" (Ayurveda), with your beliefs and learn tools for clearing your energy body as a way to help aid in healing.




The energetic body responds to the energy

you put into it.

Buddha Statue



The elements of your story and how you tell it is the last root cause which leads into the Freedom Framework, created by Dr. Keesha Ewers. What story are you living right this minute? is it fast-paced action drama? Is it a tragedy? A romance? A comedy?


It's likely that your life story to this point is a mix of many genres. However you might have too little or too much of one kind making you unhappy. You might feel stuck in a story you didn't want to play a roll in. 




We learn to re-frame your thoughts if you are feeling like a victim of circumstances beyond your control.

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